Rome. A few days ago, the Pontifical Council for Social Communications sponsored a conference for Catholic journalists and communications directors. Looks like some gooddiscussions were had.
From my point of view, I was most intrigued by John AllenThavis’s comments. John is a superb journalist who knows the Vatican extremely well. These could form the basis for a conference in and of themselves:
“What worries me is that Catholic communicators, with all their perspective, context and fairness on the sex abuse story, have not really had much impact beyond their own limited audience,” Thavis reflected.
“We feel frustration at times over how the mainstream media treats the Church; but this frustration is often translated into a kind of closed-circuit discussion among ourselves. There’s a risk of becoming too self-congratulatory,” he cautioned.
In this regard, he asked the Catholic communicators gathered at the conference: “How well do we really communicate with the modern world, the wider world, beyond our own ecclesial borders?” [emphasis mine]